ISBN -13 -978099 1688807
About the Author:
The last story in Gerry’s book highlights his honor of being a medal bearer for the Rick Hansen “Many in Motion” cross-country tour (May 2012). In April 2013, he had a stroke and is likely to survive it in order to write a sequel.
Note from the author: Gerry Williamson, BC, Canada
As a kid I knew that because I didn’t come into this world with any weapons, I had to use my brain for survival. However, sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as a young man meant I’d have to teach my brain how to defend myself.
Perhaps you think you’ve followed the wrong path in your own life. If you think it’s impossible to cross the mountains of doubt you’re faced with, you might find they were only foothills when you’ve digested some of the peaks I have crossed. Many people have died climbing molehills – thinking they were mountains.
Description from the Editor: Janice GT Penner, BC, Canada
Gerry told his difficult yet powerful story to encourage us to not give up on ourselves and our dreams. Through Never Give Up: Time takes Time to Heal you will learn a bit about TBI, a little Tri-cities history, some things about rugby, a lot about one person’s struggle with alcoholism, and enough about the limited health care services for people with special needs in the past that you’ll be more grateful for the “limited services” that we have now.
For Gerry, as well as many others caught in the downward cycle of substance abuse, “people were just in the way.” No one could have forced him to make different decisions. We can’t change people, but we needn’t give up on them. However, if we have remained hopeful during their journey they will know they can trust us for assistance when they do decide to make changes.
I trust that Gerry’s story will inspire you to make a difference within your circle of influence. Time takes time. We each have 24 hours in a day, and what we do with those hours does make the difference.
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